Industrial Utility Efficiency

Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems©

Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems

The Compressed Air Challenge® has released the next printing of their Second Edition of the authoritative “Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems©”.  This superb reference book is now available on Amazon. The Best Practices manual provides tools needed to reduce operating costs associated with compressed air and to improve the reliability of the entire system.  The 325-page manual addresses the improvement opportunities from air entering the compressor inlet filter, through the compressor and to storage, treatment, distribution and end uses, both appropriate and potentially inappropriate.  Numerous examples of how to efficiently control existing and new multiple compressor systems are provided in one of the many appendices.

The Best Practices manual created by the Compressed Air Challenge® begins with the considerations for analyzing existing systems or designing new ones. The reader can determine how to use measurements to audit their own system, how to calculate the cost of compressed air, and even how interpret electric utility bills.  Best practice recommendations for selection, installation, maintenance, and operation of all the equipment are included in each section.

This manual is available in quantity discounts and as a “Logo Edition” with your own logo printed on the cover.  This is great for handouts for sales calls.  For more information email

*The Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems© manual is a product of the Compressed Air Challenge®, co-authored by Bill Scales and David McCulloch, and is not associated with Compressed Air Best Practices® Magazine.