Industrial Utility Efficiency

Heat Recovery from Compressed Air Systems - Webinar

Don Van Ormer

Receive 1 PDH Credit

Join Keynote Speaker, Don Van Ormer, Auditor, APenergy, for an insightful discussion on Heat Recovery from Compressed Air Systems. Compressed air is very expensive to produce and inefficient, requiring at least 8 horsepower of electrical energy to generate just 1 horsepower of compressed air energy. The remaining 7 horsepower is lost as heat, which can be recovered to improve efficiency. This principle applies to both air-cooled and water-cooled compressors.

This is an interactive webinar, with the opportunity to ask questions before and during the live event. Questions specified for Don Van Ormer can be submitted to


Thursday, October 17, 2024 – 2:00 PM EST.


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