Industrial Utility Efficiency

Energy Manager

Compressed air is used in all the company’s plants and is often the single largest energy end use within them. As a result, compressed air energy-saving measures are often replicable across the company and offer significant positive impacts. One area of focus is with compressed air leaks since they are “the best low hanging fruit to focus on and they always keep popping up and waste energy”.

BeyondZero™ Sustainability at SKF

SKF focuses on energy intensity and carbon intensity in our efforts to reduce our own direct emissions of CO2. Energy intensity works on reducing the energy used at our own facilities. Carbon intensity refers to the CO2 emissions generated by our power suppliers.


17 Credibility Busters That Are Ruining Your Career

Do you have what it takes to be a viable member of the 21st century business community? Are you sure? Globalization, virtual collaboration, and the rise of the project-based workforce have changed all the rules. These days you must be able to influence others, communicate clearly, and—most important of all—elicit trust. If people don’t trust you, they won’t work with you. It’s really that simple. But according to Sandy Allgeier, there is one sure way to gain the trustworthiness you need to succeed: Improve your personal credibility factor.

Seven Sustainability Projects: HVAC Optimization

Reducing energy costs and pollution emissions involves many areas within an industrial facility.  My studies have found seven (7) key (or common) areas where low cost practical projects can be implemented.  Combined, these projects provide savings exceeding 10% of the annual energy spend with an average payback of less than one year.

Harnessing “Personality Style” for Peak Performance

We may all be created equal...but we are certainly not all the same.
By harnessing a very basic working knowledge of the concept of personality style, we will start to develop the tools which can enhance the way we communicate in almost every interpersonal interaction we encounter!

ISO Energy Management Standards

Most readers of this magazine are familiar with the ISO 9000 and 14000 families of standards.  The 9000 family pertains to quality management systems and the 14000 family deals with environmental management.

Seven Sustainability Projects: Demand Control

Reducing energy costs and pollution emissions involves many areas within an industrial facility.  My studies have found 7 key (or common) areas where low cost practical projects can be implemented.  Combined, these projects provide savings exceeding 10% of the annual energy spend with an average payback of less than one year.

Why Growth Strategies Fail

When the job title gets in the way of reality, failure is sure to result.  The label on your business card – CEO, president, VP, director, senior manager, whatever – clouds a lot of perceptions.  No matter how high-falutin a strategy is  – demonstrating brilliance and shrewd marketplace acumen – execution of the plan is only as probable as the tightest bottleneck in the system.

Energy Rebates Assist Industrial Sustainability Initiatives

The CFO asks the Corporate Energy Manager, “The numbers for this energy efficiency project look too good to be true - \$334,000 in annual energy savings requiring a \$89,000 investment (after the energy rebate) with a simple ROI of just 3 months?” “How do we know the reduction in kWh useage, which the energy auditor has promised, will actually happen?” “Why don’t we just deploy this same capital into a production project where we have more experience and confidence in the expected ROI?”  

The recently hired Corporate Energy Engineer answers, “Those are the right questions to ask - we strongly believe in this opportunity for the following reasons.”

Corporate Sustainability Programs

“Our view is always from the perspective of the value chain from the raw materials to the end