Industrial Utility Efficiency


We visited the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) with the objective being to discuss hygienic vacuum and compressed air system designs within thermoforming and other meat/poultry/cheese packaging systems. We were able to discuss the sanitary designs they deploy and some protective measures they have in place, should the manufacturing plant provide compressed air which is not clean and dry and therefore conducive to hygienic manufacturing. 

Commercial Bakery Compressed Air Audit Optimizes the Constituents of Demand

The current cost to operate the compressed air system is \$139,100 annually, and the proposed measures will reduce it by \$50,700 annually. The proposed cost to complete the measures is $47,600 providing a simple payback of 11 months. The cost included in the Action Plan includes engineering, project assistance, services to maintain the gains, and a 10% contingency.  

Whiskey Distillery Compressed Air Study Saves Energy

A premium whiskey distillery was seeking to renew their compressed air system and meet their corporate mandate in making their production facility more efficient. The first step on the road to improvement was having their compressed air system assessed. This article discusses some of the findings of the system study, which saved significant energy, improved system reliability, and captured a significant utility incentive to help with the study costs and the cost of a new compressor.

Three Ways To Make Packaging Lines More Sustainable

Sustainability is a high priority for today’s consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Driven by environmental responsibility, government regulations and customer preferences, CPGs are actively seeking ways to decarbonize their packaging lines and use eco-friendly packaging materials. Many have started monitoring the energy consumption of their equipment in real time and upgraded critical areas of their packaging processes using two key technologies: pneumatics and ultrasonic welding. 

Selecting the Right Food Grade Lubricant for Your Air Compressor

Growing awareness of the importance of food grade lubricants for consumer safety and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulations, as well as increasing consciousness about Kosher and Halal registrations triggered an increasing demand for high performance food grade lubricants.

Tetra Pak Solutions Conserve Water & Energy for Food & Beverage Sector

“Our view is always from the perspective of the value chain from the raw materials to the end product,” Wellendorph said. “How do we work with our suppliers who supply us? How do we look at our own manufacturing to avoid waste? Then, how can our equipment minimize the amount of energy or water it uses when processing and packaging customers products? It’s more than just focusing on ourselves.”

Pure Gas Testing-The Benefits of Point of Use Sampling

Regular testing of pure gases helps to ensure the safety of consumers and of end products. Whether the pure gas is used directly for medical patients, or in the manufacturing of food, beverages, or pharmaceutical products, quality is of the highest importance. Inadequate levels of purity or unsafe contamination can be detrimental to the products or consumers.

Milk Plant Deploys the Second Stage of Energy Savings

Yearly energy reduction quotas drive utilities, plant, and energy managers to continue to reduce energy consumption in all areas. A frequent question asked is, “Where can we find more energy savings once we have a VFD compressor and we have fixed all our leaks?”

Sterile Compressed Air Filters Remove Bacteria

When compressed air comes into direct contact with a product, many applications believe their “standard” particulate and coalescing oil-removing filters, installed either side of a compressed air dryer, are sufficient to protect the downstream processes. Strangely enough, the removal of bacteria is often overlooked, despite this level of filtration being readily available, easy to procure, install and maintain.

Nitrogen Characteristics and Benefits of On-Site Generation

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) accounts for a significant amount of nitrogen usage in the food and beverage industry. MAP involves injecting nitrogen into beverage or food packaging to purge and displace any oxygen-containing air with nitrogen. Oxidation of lipids in food products causes rancidity. Since oxygen is replaced with dry, inert nitrogen in MAP packaging, no product oxidation will occur. The result is maximized product shelf life. 

Beiersdorf Group Sets Ambitious Climate Targets for 2025

The Group successfully cut its energy-related CO2 emissions by 60 percent in absolute terms between 2014 and 2019. Various energy-saving measures, the LEED seal-winning sustainable design of production and office locations, and the transformation to green logistics are just a few examples of the Beiersdorf Group’s uncompromising climate protection program. Since the end of 2019, 100 percent of the electricity purchased worldwide comes from renewable energy sources.