Industrial Utility Efficiency


Word is beginning to filter out about the 2022 changes to the ASHRAE 90.1 energy efficiency standard, and the changes it promises to bring to how compressed air systems are specified, commissioned and maintained. More specifically, the industry is learning about section 10.4.6 of 90.1, which is the first time the standard has included a section on compressed air. 

Unilever Ice Cream Plant Reduces Compressed Air Consumption with Pneumatic Energy Efficiency Module

Electricity and compressed air play an important role in the thermal and kinetic processes for everything from mixing and extruding the ingredients, deep-freezing to -13°F (-25°C), dipping into various chocolate coatings through to final packaging. Energy efficiency is therefore right at the top of Unilever’s list of priorities. As part of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, this global corporation has succeeded in saving more than \$186 million in energy costs from efficiency improvements in production alone since 2008.

The Pros and Cons of Single-stage and Two-stage Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Among the many “systems” plant personnel are concerned with, the compressed air system often provides the biggest opportunity for improvement and overall savings. There are many manufacturers and several air compressor technologies to choose from. Reciprocating or rotary? Fixed speed or variable speed? Oil flooded or oil free? Single-stage or two-stage technology? It’s enough to make anyone want to run and hide!

Dutch Glass Container Plant Compressed Air System Makeover Increases Uptime and Energy Savings

To improve the delivery of compressed air at the plant, which is supplied by low-pressure and high-pressure compressed air systems, the manufacturer took an important first step by using airflow meters to monitor and measure the performance of both systems. Subsequent planning based on actionable data led to a unique compressed air system upgrade that increases the plant’s ability to maintain peak production of high quality glass bottles and containers at all times – while saving \$150,000 per year in energy costs. The project also delivered a payback of less than two years.  

Is Your Controller a Blast From the Past?

Advances in phone technology dramatically improve their function and our experience. More storage, faster speeds, enhanced communication options, bigger and brighter display….and so on. As a result, today’s phones are significantly more powerful – improving our productivity and changing our lives. As for the technology laggards, obsolescence eventually prompts change. Repairing or replacing parts and accessories on the old phones is an increasing challenge. Eventually they have to succumb to technology.

How to Detect and Eliminate Varnish in Oil-Injected Rotary-Screw Air Compressors

Varnish is a leading cause of airend failure in oil-flooded/injected rotary-screw air compressors. The purpose of this article is not to cover every scenario conducive to varnish formation, but to point out that many factors need to be considered when it occurs, and methods are available for its detection. Ultimately, it’s up to both the oil manufacturer and maintenance professional to ensure the oil used is up to the task of resisting varnish and maximizing air compressor performance and life.     

Compressed Air Guidelines for Varying Production Levels

Companies will experience periods of increased production, as well as periods of slower or stopped production. It’s the nature of being in business. Understanding the implications of these business shifts for compressed-air installations (the powerhouse behind a facility’s production) is key for ensuring that air compressors remain functional and efficient. Here are guidelines to ensure your facility’s compressed-air system operates at top performance, no matter the speed of production.

How Centrifugal Air Compressor Specifications Impact Costs

In an ever-evolving world of regulations, requirements, and legal ramifications, it can be all too easy to want to cover all the bases by adding a wide range of industry codes and standards to any project being put out for bid. Many assume that if the purchased equipment meets all the requirements of every developed code and standard then surely it will be a reliable and safe machine to operate with the best performance and energy efficiency. However, many of these codes and standards are developed with a tremendously broad range of machinery and equipment in mind and they may not always fit well with the specific project being developed. Compliance to these codes and standards may require very costly modifications to a manufacturer’s standard product for little to no real benefit. 

The Basics of Sizing a Centrifugal Air Compressor

Properly sizing a compressed air system can help determine if your facility has enough air to adequately supply your production equipment. Designing a cost effective system that minimizes any interruptions to productivity requires thoughtful planning and design. Typically, the desired outcomes of such a system focus on stable pressure and efficient operation, though it is important to note that each of these elements requires a unique solution. This article will provide guidance in proper selection considerations and suggest when a centrifugal air compressor may be ideal for your needs.

Tier 1 Automotive Supplier Saves Energy Upgrading Centrifugal Air Compressor Controls

A Tier 1 automotive supplier was concerned its compressed air system was not operating as efficiently as it could be. The situation called for a site visit and metering and evaluation of the company’s air compressors to generate a representative data sample that accurately captured the compressed air needs during typical production and non-production periods.

Extend Air Compressor Life with Proper Preventive Maintenance

When you take care of your air compressor, it will continue to take care of you. Following the recommended preventive maintenance procedures as outlined by the manufacturer will extend the life of your air compressor, save energy costs and reduce the risk of unexpected downtime. Here’s what facility managers should know about air compressor preventive maintenance — and when to call the experts.

Air Compressors

When selecting an air compressor for your manufacturing operation, the common choice is the

Air Treatment/N2

PSA nitrogen generators are fed compressed air which goes to two vessels alternately. One vessel


The plant upgrades, in combination with a progressive management strategy, allows the plant to

Compressor Controls

Hitachi Astemo’s efficiency gains will turn into significant cost savings. In this article we


Without compressed air monitoring, up to 30% of the compressed air generated goes to waste. This


The U.S. Department of Energy’s 2002 Motor Market Assessment established that pumping systems offer


Industrial ceramics have been produced in Hermsdorf, near Jena, since 1890. In the past, high-

Cooling Systems

The AIM (American Innovation and Manufacturing) Act was finalized by the US government at the end