Industrial Utility Efficiency


Word is beginning to filter out about the 2022 changes to the ASHRAE 90.1 energy efficiency standard, and the changes it promises to bring to how compressed air systems are specified, commissioned and maintained. More specifically, the industry is learning about section 10.4.6 of 90.1, which is the first time the standard has included a section on compressed air. 

What’s Possible When Operating Rotary Screw Air Compressors in Hot Ambient Conditions?

There are times when rotary screw air compressors must operate in high ambient temperatures, leaving questions about the impact on these vital machines. What follows is an overview of what’s possible in these conditions, along with advice for ensuring the optimal performance of these air compressors in hot ambient conditions. Although all air compressors compress air, there is a difference in how centrifugal, oil flooded rotary screw, oil free rotary screw, piston and scroll machines compress air. Because this article focuses on rotary screw air compressors, it’s important to know the difference between oil free and oil flooded air compressors. This can be understood in part by looking at the actual air compressor component, which is often referred to the “airend”.  

A Technician’s Guide to Lubricant Base Stocks

Lubricants play a critical role in the safe, efficient, and a reliable operation of oil-flooded rotary screw air compressors. There are many factors to contemplate during the selection process, such as inlet air quality, temperature, and cost. One key factor often not given enough consideration is how the selected product will affect the maintenance cycle, and how these costs can be put into perspective. Presented here a review of available options, and how base stock selection can affect the maintenance of an air compressor.

Care for Your Air: A Guide to Air Compressor Maintenance

Your industrial compressed air and gas system constitutes a major investment and a significant contributor to operating efficiently and productively. Keeping your air compressor in peak condition should be high on your list of maintenance activities. Fortunately, these industrial workhorses do not require a lot of costly or time-consuming resources to keep performing year after year. Still, performing a few routine checks, tests, cleanings, and adjustments will go a long way toward keeping your air and gas compressors in fine condition, generating a host of benefits.

Lubricant Chemistry and Oil/Water Separator Performance

Air compressors can produce a lot of water. Humidity in ambient air, once compressed, results in much of this water falling out, which we know as condensate. On a warm and humid summer day with inlet air temperatures of 80°F, a 75-horsepower (hp) air compressor running fully loaded can produce over 25 gallons of condensate in just one eight-hour shift, with another five gallons being produced once the compressed air is sent through a dryer. The compression process allows for the air, water vapor, and lubricating fluids to mix. Once the condensate leaves the system, trace amounts of lubricant travel with it. This condensate should be processed through an oil-water separator before being discharged to groundwater or wastewater treatment plants.

Heat of Compression: A Major Energy Recovery Opportunity Often Ignored

Often when you mention heat of compression the first thought generally relates to HOC desiccant dryers, which are also an under-applied opportunity for heat recovery. However, there are many other heat of compression recoverable energy savings opportunities in all compressed air and gas systems. This article reviews many opportunities in energy heat recovery and provides answer to commonly asked question.

How to Avoid Control Gap with VFD Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Air compressors need to be matched to load effectively and efficiently. If the air compressors’ range of variation can’t be matched to the system variation, instability and/or inefficiency can result. This article discusses the problem when it isn’t matched, which is called “control gap” and what to do to avoid it.

Avoiding Control Gap with Centrifugal Air Compressors

Have you ever wondered how to stay “in control” of an engineering organization with a fixed staff and a varying workload, where the engineers all have a mind of their own? “Herding cats” is what they call it.  Of course, that’s normal, right? Well, controlling multiple centrifugal air compressors is pretty close to that model, which can lead to a condition known as “control gap.”  This article discusses the reasons for control gap with centrifugal air compressors and solutions to help avoid it.

Compressed Air System Upgrades Need Follow-up Attention at Food Operation

There is usually a deep feeling of pride welling up inside the designers and installers after completing the installation of a new compressed air system, especially if it starts up and works perfectly. But what happens after a few years, are things as perfect as at the start? This is a question with an answer that very few people know for their system. This article describes some interesting experiences with a food products company at two plants where compressed air assessments of optimized systems done a few years after the system upgrades showed problems.

Profile: Ozen Air Technology

We manufacture and market a full line of low- and medium-pressure piston and screw air compressors, as well as air dryers, air tanks and accessories. Ozen Air Technology is a subsidiary of Ozen Kompresor based in Konya, Turkey. Our company has been manufacturing air compressors and related equipment for more than 50 years. In 2018, we expanded into North and South America with an operation in Charlotte, North Carolina, which is exciting for us given the opportunity we see.  

Air Compressors

When selecting an air compressor for your manufacturing operation, the common choice is the

Air Treatment/N2

PSA nitrogen generators are fed compressed air which goes to two vessels alternately. One vessel


The plant upgrades, in combination with a progressive management strategy, allows the plant to

Compressor Controls

Hitachi Astemo’s efficiency gains will turn into significant cost savings. In this article we


Without compressed air monitoring, up to 30% of the compressed air generated goes to waste. This


The U.S. Department of Energy’s 2002 Motor Market Assessment established that pumping systems offer


Industrial ceramics have been produced in Hermsdorf, near Jena, since 1890. In the past, high-

Cooling Systems

The AIM (American Innovation and Manufacturing) Act was finalized by the US government at the end