Industrial Utility Efficiency


The current cost to operate the compressed air system is \$139,100 annually, and the proposed measures will reduce it by \$50,700 annually. The proposed cost to complete the measures is $47,600 providing a simple payback of 11 months. The cost included in the Action Plan includes engineering, project assistance, services to maintain the gains, and a 10% contingency.  

Zinc Producer Reduces Compressed Air Use by 1,090 scfm

A zinc producer spends an estimated \$516,000 annually on electricity to operate the air compressors in a compressed air system at its north American plant.  The current average electric rate, at this plant, is 5 cents per kWh, and the compressed air system operates 8,760 hours per year. This system assessment recommended a group of projects able to reduce these energy costs by fifty-one percent (51%) to an annualized \$270,000.  The simple payback of the project was 15 months – without taking into account potential incentive dollars from the local utility.

Compressed Air Assessment Finds Problems at a Meat Processor

A meat processor, located in Canada, hired a consultant to assess their compressed air system as part of a company-wide energy conservation effort. The assessment and analysis showed, despite having a modern compressed air system using a VSD air compressor and pressure/flow control, the system was running inefficiently and had significant levels of leakage and inappropriate use.

International Wire Compressed Air System Upgrade Recovers Heat

While late summer may not be the time of year many of us think about heat recovery, the potential for energy savings in compressed air systems should be on our minds year-round. For those involved with the compressed air systems within International Wire Group’s facilities, energy savings is on their minds each day. This culture of continuous improvement has everyone on the lookout for savings wherever possible.

Canadian Steel Processor Optimizes Compressed Air at Two Facilities

A steel distribution and processing company has upgraded and consolidated the compressed air systems in two of their distribution and processing facilities for big energy savings. The previous compressed air systems were running in modes of operation with very low efficiency. A complete replacement of the two systems with new air compressors and dryers has reduced the energy consumption significantly.

Canadian Glass Plant Optimizes Autoclave Compressed Air

The facility uses a large amount of electricity to manufacture laminated glass in the autoclave process. This process is the largest consumer of compressed air in the facility which made compressed air a major target in reducing energy costs for the facility. As the volume of compressed air in the autoclave is significant, the system is constantly pressurized with large 150 HP air compressors to reduce production times and fill times of the autoclave.

Nitrogen, Vacuum and Compressed Air at a Snack Food Plant

This plant has three production lines producing snack food. Depending on the time of year and production demand the plant can operate anywhere from no production lines to all three production lines. A thorough supply and demand-side system assessment was done at this plant. This article will focus on some recommended demand-side reduction projects including nitrogen generation, air vibrators, leaks and vacuum venturis.

Metal Fabricator Keeps Compressed Air Demand Low

The company specializes in fabrication of precision assembled customized parts for OEM’s and system integrators. Since 1997 the company has steadily grown in size and capacity as the demand for its high quality fabrications has increased.  Through the years, many new CNC machines, laser cutters and powder coat painting operations have been added, but with all the expansion the facility has amazingly kept the plant compressed air consumption low. This has been achieved by following excellent “best practice” compressed air efficiency principles and by keeping watch on system waste.

Sizing Issues at a Pulse Crop and Seed Processing Plant

A small pulse crop and seed processing facility located in Canada has upgraded their facility compressed air system to accommodate the expansion of their production capacity.  While completing this project the facility has learned some valuable lessons about sizing and maintaining lubricated screw air compressors and compressed air drying equipment.

Compressed Air Piping Changes Help Dairy Producer Optimize

Annual plant electric costs for compressed air production, as operating today, are \$147,469 per year. If the electric costs of \$750 associated with operating ancillary equipment such as dryers are included, the total electric costs for operating the air system are \$148,219 per year. These estimates are based upon a blended electric rate of \$0.087 /kWh. The air system operates 8,760 hours per year. The load profile or air demand of this system is relatively stable during all shifts. Overall system flow ranges from 800- 1,000 acfm during production. The system pressure runs from 95 to 80 psig in the headers during production.  

End Use Focus Improves Efficiency at Parrheim Foods

Parrheim Foods, a division of Parrish and Heimbecker, is an innovative starch, protein and fiber mill situated in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.  The plant has improved system efficiency and reduced production problems by addressing some problems with the consumption of compressed air by their reverse pulse baghouse cleaning operations.  This effort has allowed them to turn off one of their 100 hp air compressors, saving significant electricity costs.


Given that compressed air leak management programs are meant to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions,


When the design capabilities of an installed compressed air system didn’t align with real-world


We visited the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) with the objective being


The air is delivered through a distribution piping system that ends with a medical air outlet


Vane motors can run at much higher speeds (2000 rpm and up), but piston motors tend to turn much


Detecting Compressed Air Leaks Can Lead to Reduced Energy Waste, Boosted Productivity, and


This article is intended to show the relationships between risks and specifications, opportunities


NPE2024: The Plastics Show took place in Orlando, Florida, May 2024, and Compressed Air Best


A newly constructed ethanol plant experienced control gap issues shortly after comissioning. 


The Trinity Mirror Group print works on Oldham is one of the UK’s largest newspaper printers. The


In the absence of the control system, the air compressors were loading and unloading according to


When selecting a mixing technology, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and their consultant