Industrial Utility Efficiency


The current cost to operate the compressed air system is \$139,100 annually, and the proposed measures will reduce it by \$50,700 annually. The proposed cost to complete the measures is $47,600 providing a simple payback of 11 months. The cost included in the Action Plan includes engineering, project assistance, services to maintain the gains, and a 10% contingency.  

Tier 1 Automotive Supplier Saves Energy Upgrading Centrifugal Air Compressor Controls

A Tier 1 automotive supplier was concerned its compressed air system was not operating as efficiently as it could be. The situation called for a site visit and metering and evaluation of the company’s air compressors to generate a representative data sample that accurately captured the compressed air needs during typical production and non-production periods.

Winpak Reduces Demand by 33% and Switches to Oil-Free Air Compressors

By making changes primarily focused on compressed air uses, Winpak, an international plastics products manufacturer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, increased compressed air production capacity and reduced annual energy consumption by 33%. These benefits have been accomplished while the company was making the switch to lubricant-free compressed air to support product quality goals. This article discusses some of these changes and addresses measures that could be implemented in any compressed air system.

IUE-CWA Labor Union Members Embrace Energy Treasure Hunts

Manufacturers familiar with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Energy Treasure Hunts initiative know it’s a great way to save energy and natural resources – as long as it’s done right – which is why some are turning to perhaps their best asset to achieve success: their unionized workforce.

Sustainability is “Part of Who We Are” at Eastman

By making sustainability a requirement and a core element of its growth strategy, Eastman has improved the energy efficiency of manufacturing operations by 13% since its baseline year of 2008 (the year Eastman became an ENERGY STAR® Partner). By 2018, Eastman had decreased its greenhouse gas intensity by 20%, two years ahead of its goal. Additionally, Eastman received the 2019 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award for Sustained Excellence, marking the company’s eighth consecutive ENERGY STAR award: two years as Partner of the Year and six years of Sustained Excellence recognition.

Compressed Air System Upgrades Need Follow-up Attention at Food Operation

There is usually a deep feeling of pride welling up inside the designers and installers after completing the installation of a new compressed air system, especially if it starts up and works perfectly. But what happens after a few years, are things as perfect as at the start? This is a question with an answer that very few people know for their system. This article describes some interesting experiences with a food products company at two plants where compressed air assessments of optimized systems done a few years after the system upgrades showed problems.

Fifteen Years of Compressed Air Best Practices Support Gentex Business and Production Goals

While many businesses strive to plan, install and maintain a compressed air system that fulfils the company’s specific needs, I’ve found that implementing compressed air best practices not only accomplishes specific goals, but also results in time-tested advantages that aid in the overall business and production goals of the organization.

Keep Contaminants Out of Food and Beverage Processing Air Supplies

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, more than 30,000 food and beverage processing plants across the United States employ more than 1.5 million workers.1 Each of those plants applies a wide range of processes to raw agricultural goods to produce consumable food and beverage products.

Milk Products Plant Finds 52 Percent Potential Savings

A food processor was having compressed air problems, so they invited a compressed air auditor into their plant for an assessment and to help them size future permanent air compressors. The plant was experiencing low air pressure and detecting water in the compressed air lines despite having a desiccant air dryer. The auditor thoroughly analyzed the compressed air system production equipment and did end-use assessment and leakage detection. This article discusses the findings leading to a potential cost savings of 52% of the current level.


Given that compressed air leak management programs are meant to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions,


When the design capabilities of an installed compressed air system didn’t align with real-world


We visited the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) with the objective being


The air is delivered through a distribution piping system that ends with a medical air outlet


Vane motors can run at much higher speeds (2000 rpm and up), but piston motors tend to turn much


Detecting Compressed Air Leaks Can Lead to Reduced Energy Waste, Boosted Productivity, and


This article is intended to show the relationships between risks and specifications, opportunities


NPE2024: The Plastics Show took place in Orlando, Florida, May 2024, and Compressed Air Best


A newly constructed ethanol plant experienced control gap issues shortly after comissioning. 


The Trinity Mirror Group print works on Oldham is one of the UK’s largest newspaper printers. The


In the absence of the control system, the air compressors were loading and unloading according to


When selecting a mixing technology, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and their consultant